MRD Remote SDR

CQD SOS Titanic



Remote receive with SDR
SDR stands for 'software defined radio' and it does a very good job.
It is available by many servers world wide , but best of all is the one from the Netherlands.

So take part in future MRD events by remote receiving from lf to hf. You need no radio rig at all.
Just use your PC & Internet. It works great and you may listen from 10 kHz to 30 MHz.

Best for broadcast from Grimeton Radio SAQ on 17.3 kHz on occaissons.

SDR is available from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. You don't have to
install any software, just call link SDR - University Twente and you can listen to transmission.

One can select mode, bandwidth, frequency etc. Software will show you spectrum and
you may zoom in and out just as you fix it.

View control panel

Have fun, tune in and take part in MRD as a swl.


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